The bigger looming truth about loom bands
Stephanie Ferguson, The Idea Tree Consulting
September 2014
The children that routinely play in the adjoined yards of the complex next door to our building sometimes are a bit, shall we say, vocal. It makes me look forward to the school year beginning again, almost on a daily basis. But my momentary annoyance is overshadowed by the fact that I’m glad kids are outdoors, running around, playing, getting exercise and – yes – sometimes screaming their heads off. Because they could be inside instead, playing with an unrecyclable and potentially toxic product like the Rainbow Loom, also known as loom bands.
This toy craze is everywhere now, with some parents looking on the bright side – the toy and the elastics are cheap, and it encourages kids to be crafty, putting down the technology for once.[1] I crafted when I was a kid too. My partner was practically raised in an art studio. And crafting sure as hell doesn’t exist because of little plastic bands. It happens because parents provide their children with the necessary materials and instructions. Loom bands as a solution to getting kids creative isn’t an excuse for another plastic toy, it’s just unimaginative. Continue reading